Welcome To AlbumLinerNotes.com
"The #1 Archive of Liner Notes in the World!"

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Why We're Here


That's a good question! Thanks for asking.

We are here because there is nothing like us on the internet.

We feel that Liner Notes are a very important part of the recordings. I know that there are quite a few others out there that are interested in the important aspects of a particular recording.

Where it was recorded? Who played on what song? Who wrote the songs? There are many things that are answered by the Liner Notes. We want them to be known and we want them to be appreciated.

The problem with downloading your songs from iTunes is the lack of these liner notes. We are on a quest to fill that need. We hope that you will continue to check with us, suggest the recordings you are looking for and even email your additions.

That's why we're here.


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